Africa’s Cleanest and Safest Country? Jayland Walker and Lance Storz.

Rwanda is the best representation of a country period. It’s had right leadership for 20 years. The rights of women are taken seriously this country is thriving every day. The most perfect weather in the world and the cleanest country. I just have to start the narrative that the standard of living is starting to go up in Rwanda, leadership is working just watch the video. I am not going to get in with human rights violations in the USA a black unarmed can be shoot 60 times for a traffic violation. In one video police said the officers are dads and sons and just good people. But black men should not be judged by their worst moments, 60 bullets are not needed you can take a white person who killed two officers and shoot eight other people.

“In the past 25 years, Rwanda has reimagined itself as a strong state that invests in good governance and the success of its people,” the US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs said on his first visit to Rwanda in 2019. “In many ways, Rwanda is demonstrating the true potential of Africa.”

To his supporters and Western and Asian allies, President Kagame is a liberator who has modernized and transformed Rwanda, a former Belgian colony.

His party, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), has been in power since the end of the civil war in 1994, with Kagame serving as vice-president and defense minister until 2000 and then president for the last 22 years.

Kagame unified the country after the genocide, working to abolish the divisive terms “Hutu” and “Tutsi” and to integrate the two cultures.

The gains made in Rwanda under his rule are undeniable.

Rwandan government spokesperson Yolande Makolo told CNN the country has made remarkable progress in the last 28 years, citing increased life expectancy, near-universal healthcare, and low corruption levels in the country.

According to the World Bank, Rwanda has witnessed “strong economic growth … accompanied by substantial improvements in living standards.” A report by the World Bank in 2020 stated that the country also has been successful in “reducing administrative corruption … from an accepted practice to one that is regarded as illegitimate and, once identified, one that is punished.”

Rwanda also ranks 1st among 13 low-income economies and 7th among the 27 economies of Sub-Saharan Africa for its innovation capabilities on the 2021 Global Innovation Index.

The country has further endeared itself to the West by advancing gender equality and creating a female-dominated cabinet. Around 61% of its parliamentary seats are held by women.

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