Abstraction 22 by Kestutis Jauniskis

Kestutis Jauniskis is a visual artist that uses paint and oil to create mostly abstract images, but also likes to develop other types of art as well.

In Abstraction 22 he uses oil on canvas to create an abstract, landscape piece. There appears to be a visual dichotomy within the art, the top half contains a blue sky covered by dark clouds that suggest imminent rain, and a lower half depicting a landscape that has seems well developed in part and in need reconstruction in other parts. It makes observers wonder if the landscape is capable of withstanding the storm that is approaching.

The artist’s motivation for creating this type of art probably was to develop something immediate, such that when you look at it as an observer, you may begin to ponder what could potentially happen next? Are the people on the ground ready for storm? In these ways, the art is a reflection of how people feel in real life in many circumstances.

The art is about change and being ready to accept its reality.

View more of the artist’s work here:  Kestutis Jauniskis

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