ABC News Prime: 2nd day of impeachment trial; New CDC guidance on masks; Water hack investigation: History Making impeachment trial

The impeachment trial is taking a look into the timeline that caused the Capitol to be breached and for them to try and kill congressmen and senators. The sad part is his followers thought he was God, the proud boys thought Trump had his back and he did not.  Trump was responsible for the death of three officers, two committed suicide and one murdered by the mob. It is clear that blue lives do not matter. That was all just BS they just wanted to hijack the black lives matter movement. Blacks in some people’s minds don’t have a problem. Just remember  domestic terrorist is the biggest threat to a police officer period. Just we have been programmed that black people are the biggest threat to American democracy and it by is a long shot.


The country needs to hold Trump responsible and realize we finally have a President that is working and we are not all in the news with BS. Biden is doing what a President is supposed do, his work for the American people. He is not doing what a real president does to stay out of the news.  Biden is doing all he can to heal America we are broken. 74 million people don’t see him as their President and it so sad. But this is not our problem we have covid fast approaching 500,000 deaths and our economy is broken all caused by Trump not doing his job at all. Now we need to pass the stimulus bill and move on from the Donald J Trump mess






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