“Aachoo!!”: The New Mural from Banksy

Banksy claimed a new mural in Bristol as his work.

“Aachoo!!”, Courtesy of @banksy

Another artwork of Banksy popped up on a wall of a house in Totterdown, Bristol. It depicts a woman who is spontaneously sneezing without covering her mouth and nose. The title of this mural is “Aachoo!!”.

“Aachoo!!”, Courtesy of @banksy


This work is pretty interesting because it is made in one of the steepest streets in the UK–Vale Street. At a certain angle of photo, it looks like that the force of her sneezing could almost blow away the surrounding houses and things. In pandemic circumstances, “sneezing without covering your mouth and nose” is really dangerous. In this case, Banksy is genius and humorous in choosing symbols of danger in his work, that is, almost collapsed houses cause of sneezing.

 “Aachoo!!” in Vale Street, Courtesy of @banksy

Banksy’s mural reminds me of “how street artists see a “wall” in public space. Wall is a medium to communicate a message, usually a social-political message. The artwork on the wall can attract people’s attention to think about the public good. It could be a great thing if we also applied this principle in our social media “wall”. Just as Banksy, he also uses his Instagram wall to spread his ideas to the wider community.


On 11th December, Banksy claimed this mural as his work on his Instagram account, @banksy. Previously, in October, Banksy has claimed another mural in Nottingham. It depicts a girl with a hula-hoop made from a used wheel, near the bicycle without a tire.

Courtesy of @banksy

Banksy is a street artist who is well-known for his satirical and political social commentary works.

“Aachoo!” by Banksy

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