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A Simple Worship Outline — A Sanctified Art




Light the Christ candle during this time if it is not already lit. Depending on your worship space, you might also process in food for the tables, communion elements, basins or pitchers of water, etc. At-home worshipers can prepare their worship space as music is played by lighting a candle and gathering their communion elements.

Welcome & Passing the Peace

Give a brief introduction to Maundy Thursday and the ancient rituals of foot washing and communion. Give any directions worshipers may need to know regarding the food on the tables, foot washing, communion, the recessional hymn, etc. Close the welcome by inviting worshipers to pass the peace of Christ to one another.

Opening Hymn

Call to Worship or Opening Prayer


Scripture: John 13:1-17, 31b-35

If you have pitchers of water to fill the foot washing basins, pour the water from the pitcher into the basin as this scripture is being read. Depending on your worship space, you could also begin the service with a full baptistry or font and take water from the baptistry or font to fill the basins using pitchers.


Here you might deliver a short homily, practice visio divina with an image such as “By Our Love” by Hannah Garrity (or one of the images at the top of this post), read a Maundy Thursday poem, offer a time of silent or guided meditation, and/or practice lectio divina with the scripture reading.

Foot Washing

You might include the following in your bulletin and/or speak it aloud: “Foot washing is uncomfortable for many people, just as Peter was uncomfortable with Jesus washing his feet. We invite you to lean into this discomfort around vulnerability as we wash one another’s feet tonight.” At-home worshipers can use a large basin or a bathtub to wash one another’s feet.


Begin this hymn as people move toward foot washing stations, then continue to play instrumental music underneath. You might choose to repeat the first verse once everyone has returned to their seats.

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

This passage includes a version of the words of institution spoken during the celebration of communion. Depending on your particular tradition around the eucharist, you might weave this reading creatively into the celebration of communion as a responsive reading.


Celebrating Communion

Offer the liturgy around communion that is most comfortable for your tradition. When it comes time to serve, pass the elements around the table, as you might pass serving dishes around at a large family meal. For larger crowds, you might pass multiple plates and cups. Play music as communion is being taken.

Recessional Hymn

You might include the following in your bulletin: “Just as Jesus and his disciples left the upper room singing a hymn, we invite you to join us as we recess singing as we carry the Christ light out into the world.” Be sure to print the lyrics in a bulletin that worshipers can carry with them, or choose a hymn with simple repeating words. If you are worshiping in different spaces on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, you might take the Christ candle to the place where you will worship on Good Friday during this recessional hymn. At-home worshipers can simply close their time of worship with this hymn.


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