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A Lochlann Feuds Companion Novel by Robin D. Mahle and Elle Madison ⋆ LitBuzz


Onyx Cage: Volume 1: A Lochlann Feuds Companion Novel

The Lochlann Feuds, Book 5

Robin D. Mahle, Elle Madison

Enemies to Lovers Romance, Enemies to Lovers Romance eBooks, Alpha Male Romance eBooks

September 20, 2024



I had spent a lifetime perfecting the art of planning ahead, accounting for every known variable and a few that were mere speculation. It was necessary, to live the life I had, to do the things I had done and come out on the other side.

So by the time I arrived at the storms-forsaken Summit, I had spent every day of the years prior carefully, meticulously assessing each situation and weighing the best potential outcome, knowing that my clansmen lived and died on my ability to do it well.

In spite of that, I don’t believe there was anything in this world or the next that could have prepared me for her.

*Onyx Cage: Volume I will cover the first two books of the Lochlann Feuds series from Evander’s perspective. It is strongly encouraged for readers to wait until *after* Lochlann Feuds to read this companion novel.

Lord Evander Stenvall of Clan Bear is

a near perfect romantasy villain

and, in Onyx Cage, we get to hear

his side of the story.

Onyx Cage: Volume 1: The Lochlann Feuds Companion Novel takes place over the course of the first two books of Robin D. Mahle and Elle Madison’s The Lochlann Feuds series. Evander’s story starts during the annual Socairan Summit of clans, where he meets her. Rowan, a princess of Lochlann, was captured while trying to smuggle vodka out of Socair through the mountain pass. Currently, she is a political pawn in the dukes’ games. Some are shouting for her death to send an example to their enemies. Others want her for a powerful alliance that could secure Socair’s obsidian throne.

What Lord Evander sees in Rowan is utter chaos. As the heir of the most powerful and ruthless clan in the kingdom, he has the most to lose if this situation leads to war. He takes control. He calls in a blood debt upon Rowan’s family and takes her as his captive, or “pet.” Lemmikki, he calls her.

She is nothing to him but a nuisance — a petulant child who is too selfish and spoiled to recognize the danger she has caused. She is endlessly frustrating and wildly unpredictable. He feels nothing for the tiny princess but contempt.

Then, things begin to change.

My hand brushed against her waist and she sucked in a breath, but she still didn’t move. My chest rose and fell rapidly with each breath, this unspoken standoff only adding tinder to the furious flames that always seemed to crackle between us, the ones made up of blood debts and disdain and other things I couldn’t — didn’t want to give words to.

I find that Mahle and Madison consistently write their characters with care. This book is no different. Evander’s complexity and growth throughout Onyx Cage is exceptional. He is clearly struggling with this princess who traipsed into his kingdom (and his life) unannounced with such vibrancy and determination. With her mass of crimson curls and blazing spirit, she breathes life into his world of deadly, cold calculation. The events and conversations that break his heart open with something different toward his lemmikki seem authentic. An unlikely yet powerful connecting of two souls.

Evander’s journey seriously brought tears to my eyes. The last four chapters of the book in particular held me breathless. (Even though I already knew what would happen from reading Tarnished Crown!) Through Evander’s POV, Mahle and Madison elevate Rowan and Evander’s story in a way that honors everything I love about this series in the first place.

Imagine what they’ll do with the second volume!

I highly recommend reading The Lochlann Feuds before picking up Evander’s story in Onyx Cage. If you start now, you’ll be able to finish Rowan’s story and volume 1 of Evander’s story before volume 2 is released. Trust me, you won’t want to miss it.


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