A Gender Equality Program

Cartoon Competition

UN Women and the European Commission of Belgium, France, Mexico, and in partnership with Cartooning for Peace, is organizing a Comic and Cartoon Competition under the Generation Equality Campaign.

Organized by The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women – the UN Women seeks an artist’s vision of what a gender-equal generation looks like today.

 If there are and if you believe in gender equality and realizing women’s rights for an equal future, you could express your vision of a gender-equality in a drawing.

 Enter up to one drawing to fit on one DIN A4 page, only drawing without words. The competition is free to enter. The deadline is the 14th of March, 2021. Only artists between 18 and 28 years old can compete.

• 1st prize: 1,200 €

• 2nd prize: 750 €

• 3rd prize: 500 €

If so go to


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