99 Future Blue-Chip Artists 2023

An Art Call

99 Future Blue-Chip Artists 2023 is the latest Open Call launched by Artsted.com All artists working in traditional mediums and adopting digital and innovative tools can expand.

How can a work of art be a Blue Chip investment? What value of art is subjective? The value of an artwork is often up for debate, and its value to the artist may be impossible to quantify. When we talk about Blue Chip Art, we’re not talking about an importance of a collector or an institution, or an artist, but about resale value.

The Open Call 99 Future Blue-Chip Artists 2023 answers need for the contemporary art market to find ways to support a new generation of up-and-coming artists. 99 Future Blue-Chip Artists  takes the form of a printed and curated hardcover edition, distributed at the largest international art fairs, with the official launch scheduled for Art Basel Miami in December 2022.

5 artists are getting 10.000,00 € in exhibition fees for a group exhibition that will take place in the spring of 2023. These include dedicated meetings with collectors, studio visits, shipping costs, location, branded content on Artsted editorial and social media channels. Every winner for the 1st tier will benefit from the Premium Artsted subscription for 12 months. ​

5 artists are getting 8.000,00 € in bonus and promotional content on social media platforms and on the blog includes 5 dedicated posts over the course of 12 months. Free consultations regarding portfolio review, content strategy, exhibition opportunities, residency programs, and more and one full page in the print publication to be distributed on the occasion of Miami Art Basel 2022.​​​

6 artists are getting 5.000,00 € in adv bonus and promotional content on social media platforms and on the blog. One consultation with our team experts regarding portfolio review and one full page in the print publication to be distributed on the occasion of Miami Art Basel 2022.

10 artists are getting 3.000,00€ in bonus and content on social media platforms and on the Artsted Blog. One full page in the print publication to be distributed on the occasion of Miami Art Basel 2022.​​​​​​ 

All prize summary includes  26.000 $ in cash prizes


There is an entry fee, anyone  worldwide can apply. Deadline is 15 of October 2022.

To apply just go to www.opencall.artsted.com



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