500,000 Americans dead and it is all Donald Trump’s fault period

Every person that voted for Donald the fake president Trump is responsible, you believed the liar. How is it possible that we let this go this far. Republican lead Texas is now looking right in the face of climate change. Like Trump said Covid was a hoax and climate change is a hoax. Ted Cruz is losing his mind being stupid because he thinks that since he played golf with Trumnp as people died from covid.  A universal mask mandate would have helped to cut the death at least in half or more. Trump is a personality cult and 74 million Americans kiss his ring. Sometimes government is needed to help there is no big government so Reagan was wrong that was 40 years ago. Time has changed.  If he would have done more we would not have had that many deaths.  So this is really hard to deal with to be the in the greatest country in the world and have more deaths than anybody in the modern world. And to think of all the people that believed Trump was sent from God and it is so sad. It is not good at all. So we are here now it is not going to get better. Herman Cain died because of the Trump period. So that is all folks. This is so sad the last poll said that they still support Trump and 73% of Trump’s people believe Trump is the real winner. 53% said they would join a Trump third party. 58% of them believe it was Antifa that took over Capitol.

Biden needs to stops trying to bring republicans onboard and just go get stuff done. This is sad, 3 out of 4 republicans don’t believe Joe Biden won. China, we should have learned from them they have small numbers of death. China controlled the virus and we didn’t because we did not close our border or take it seriously  US vs, China, if Trump would have kept Obama’s pandemic response team we would have known. This is why the government FDA is important in the world.



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