50+ Years Later, A Daughter And Birth Mother Reunite With Help From DNA Tests ( Actress Lynne Moody)

Finding your mama on That my Mama.

A mother’s day miracle, this story has happy ending.  A lot of times these reunion birth parents  just want to keep the door closed. But her birthmother’s heart was wide open. Lynne Moody was 18 when she gave birth to her daughter and put her up for adoption. More than 50 years later, Lisa Wright connected with her biological mother — and discovered a surprise about her as well.  This story has a happy ending,  Lynne moody was young and she knew she could not care for a child and she had dreams she wanted to pursue and the rest is history. She became an actress and was on hit TV shows that the mother and  her daughter used to watch when she was growing up it was must watch TV.  Lisa wright soon told her to take DNA test so she would know her roots it lead to her Uncle and the rest of the story you can watch below. We all need to open our hearts. God doesn’t make mistakes. Following his way can give you great joy.

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