1968 commission and 100th Anniversary of Tulsa

The Kerner report knew the government did this to black people on purpose.  This is a separate and unequal system and that is the way America wants it. The tough-on-crime from Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, and this tough-on-crime all meant to hurt black people. So from redlining to the crime bill it all was kept for black people to be behind. Our school system is built to fail because it depends on local taxes and the wealth is not spread evenly all over USA, rich areas get more service period,  The prison to school pipeline  is still intact., Don’t forget Reagan did the crack thing to start funding a war that our government did not want us to fund, It is so sad at the length of brainwashing that goes on with our government trying to make black people feel they need to wait for fair treatment in America. It is so wrong that in 2021 we are still dealing with the same problems in 1968 sitting at lunch counters and drinking out of a water fountain is not freedom, a fair and just system for everyone is. Tulsa race war, they took that from us. It is not good that we need to pay for that period.

Tulsa Race Massacre

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