17 Best Children’s Sunday School Songs for Adults To Love Too


If you grew up in church, as I did -I was a 4th (living) generation Southern Baptist as a kid- then you probably have some favorite Sunday School songs that still go through your mind from time to time.

Hopefully, you’re passing them down to the next generation as well. As I play our favorite CDs during the day, for my kids and I to dance to, sweep to, etc, and as I sing to them when they (or I) need calming, I’m struck all over again by just how meaningful each well known tune really is!

The Bible truths I’ve known as fact since I was a kid, because of these old Sunday School songs with actions! Unpacking them now, as I sing them again, just amazes me. The people who wrote them must have received a “well done, good and faithful servant!” when they arrived home.

These complex truths of the faith, learned as a kid in a way that definitely sticks, and comes back to you when you need them, songs that comfort during storms (physical, emotional, spiritual) and good times, are such a blessing!

Living in Florida, this post was inspired by Hurricane Irma (2017) and kept up because of how helpful they are during any type of difficulty. There’s just something about Christian songs that serve as prayer in the moment when you can’t think what to say. I believe Worship songs are one of the most amazing things The Lord has given us!

Please note that this post contains affiliate links for your convenience. If you make a purchase through one of the links, I may make a small commission. I only recommend books and resources that I’ve enjoyed personally, or believe that you would like. You can read my full disclosure here. You will also find information on Scripture translations there.

Musical notes

Catchy Children’s Sunday School Songs for Confidence and Hope

He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands reminds me that God’s got it all under control. We may not like what’s going on. We may not like the anticipated or actual outcome of upcoming/current events. But, We don’t see the big picture. We miss the little things that God is using to bring His purposes about.

How we deal with events actually does affect those unbelievers and weaker believers we encounter!

Instead of focusing on “why is this happening to me? I need to remember God’s holding me, the situation, and not only knows what is best, He cares for me, and is powerful enough to make it happen!

Our God is So Big (so Strong and so Mighty, There’s NOTHING My God Cannot Do!) See? I can’t just stop at the title on this one, had to keep going through the first line!

Again, Our God is in Control. This one focuses on His creation, but, if the mountains and rivers are His, and He made the seas and the elephants, I think he can handle whatever is going on, don’t you?

This is My Father’s World is a calm song, but such a confident one. There’s trust in a trustworthy ruler, and that we can rest in his good care.

I Have Decided to Follow Jesus (no turning back, no turning back) is a solid way to remind yourself of the path you’re on, no matter what. And when you’re lacking confidence, just singing this can help. No, it doesn’t solve anything, but that isn’t always necessary.

This Is the Day The Lord Has Made l Will Rejoice and Be Glad In It. This upbeat song is good at pointing out that today is a gift, and we should treasure it.

However, it’s also great for those days when you’re overwhelmed. When you must consciously CHOOSE to Rejoice. Just change the emphasis slightly I WILL Rejoice! These are the songs that comfort me so often.

What a Friend We Have in Jesus is another good one. It was probably heard more often in ‘big church’ but still. If having Jesus as your friend doesn’t give you confidence and hope, I don’t know what will!

Book Recommendations:

Powerful Sunday School Songs For Adults and Kids

What A Mighty God We Serve He Is all-powerful, and as I go through hurricanes and other storms, I am keeping in mind the words of this verse: He holds the winds in His hand, and He Is the Great I AM! Is very helpful.

To God Be The Glory (Great Things He Has Done) This one reminds me what God has already one. If he can do all that (and in fact, already has done it), then He can handle my problems for sure, and yours too. Manmade and Natural Disasters have to pass through his fingers before they get to us. Give HIM the Glory, He Deserves it. That’s the power of songs that comfort. They tell the truth.

Jesus Loves Me-The FULL Version, NOT just verse 1! Yes, it’s cute watching a bunch of 3-year-old kids sing the first verse, and it’s good for them to know it. But have you taken the time to learn the whole thing?

  • “Let them come to me”
  • “wanting as a friend to give, light and love to all who live”
  • “He who died, Heaven’s Gate to Open Wide”
  • “I will henceforth Live for Thee”

Seriously, at least read the full lyrics. You won’t be disappointed

Dare to Be a Daniel – Daniel ran in powerful circles, and had a lot of power himself, considering he was a captive in a foreign land. I’ve always found this one inspiring, and a lot of fun in praise and worship time!

I Am a C, and THE B-I-B-L-E are both fun, fast, and powerful declarations of faith to cling too even as adults.

My Son’s Favorite Old Sunday School Songs With Actions

This Little Light of Mine is fun, and purposeful. It’s repetitive and easy for little ones to remember, but the points are great lessons for all of us. Let Your Light Shine! Don’t Hide your Light. Guard it against attack. And endure, Shine until Jesus Comes.

I May Never (I’m In the Lord’s Army) is an all-time favorite. He sings it several times a day. Maybe because of the actions, I don’t know, but it is a spiritual Battle Cry. We have to remember we are at war. We also need to remember that we’re on the side that’s already won. Not that we should be cocky, but confident. Remembering that the enemy will take his victims any way he can, he doesn’t play fair. But in the Lord’s Army, our eternity is secure, and our Hope is worthwhile!

Deep and Wide is a fun song and a great way to get kids moving. We get to laughing pretty hard sometimes, by the time we’ve reached the part where it’s almost all humming.

Father Abraham has plenty of action, which is the main point of the song. My mother-in-law can’t stand this one because she sees it as lacking a message. But I’ve always seen it as a solid reminder of the unity of the family of God. We are all descendants of Abraham, either by blood or by choice/salvation.

I’ve Got Peace Like a River is one we sing regularly. Sometimes, we’re (I’M) clinging to it out of sheer determination, and sometimes I feel it in my heart, but God gave us peace. We can have it. It’s possible. And He wouldn’t have commanded Love and Joy either, if it wasn’t possible for us to have these things.

Our Favorite Kids Sunday School Songs on CDs

Here are some affiliate links (Disclosure Statement) to our favorite CDs. This way you can listen to samples of the songs that are unfamiliar.

What Are You Singing?

The songs mentioned above, songs that comfort and calm in the storms of life, and a few others, definitely keep us calm during hurricane season and whenever something goes wrong. What about you? Do you have any songs from your childhood that help you? Or any hymns or contemporary songs? I’m interested. What comforts you in the storms you encounter?

If you are interested in some more grown-up comfort from music, try these posts from my friends at Unmasking the Mess and The Hallway Initiative.


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