100+ Christian Middle Grade Books You’ll Love


Today let’s talk about how to determine the best middle grade books of all time. (and yes, I plan on tackling a quality high school reading list soon, too)

  • Timeless – the story isn’t so bogged down in some issue that would not apply 20 years later.
  • Ageless: They are truly enjoyable (and understandable by) 1st graders and grownups alike.
  • Personable – it is easy to connect with the characters, both the kids and the adults.
  • Moral lessons discovered, not preached. That makes it so much more likely to have kids connecting the truth to their own lives (us too)!!

The Best Middle Grade Books of All Time

I have been reading for a long time. Some stories are awesome, and some are not. Today, I am sharing the ones that I believe qualified to be the best middle grade books of all time. Not all are strictly Christian, but none of them are disrespectful in any way. Most actually make perfect family read-aloud materials, for 1st grade up, even if they are written for 10-12-year-olds There is even a collection of books about Libraries that are great for Middle schoolers!

*If you need something for your younger children, I have all kinds of fun for kids who love to read: Christmas Stories, Faith Builders, Etc…

Please note that this post contains affiliate links for your convenience. If you make a purchase through one of the links, I may make a small commission. I only recommend books and resources that I’ve enjoyed personally, or believe that you would like. You can read my full disclosure here. You will also find information on Scripture translations there.

Do you know what the Cool Kids are Reading? 100s od amazing books for middle school students

Biblical Fiction Books for Middle School Students

I don’t remember reading Biblical fiction as a kid, maybe because there wasn’t much available? But now, yes! Here are a few amazing Biblical fiction for 6th grade and beyond:

Crossroads Among the Gentiles:

Raise your hand if you grew up on Choose Your Own Adventure. Well now they are back, and biblical!! Crossroads Among the Gentiles is set in Jesus’ time, from the eyes of 10-12-year-olds (boys and girls) I could not put it down. Mine was an advanced Ebook from @NetGalley that was not fully formatted, but it did not matter in the slightest. It was too much fun helping a Samaritan boy and a Jewish boy and girl make wise choices.

I enjoyed all three adventure threads, and of course, I went back through several times to make all the different choices.

The Crossroads theme makes it a great tool for learning choices and consequences. Some choices were simply “what’s next” while others were definitely “right or wrong” or “obedience versus my own way” so getting to see how these Crossroads impact each character’s future I think will be a good thing for kids to observe.

The fun of seeing life in Jesus’s time, from kids, was great! A different perspective than what I usually read, so I was impressed. This was well written and makes you think.

-Good for cognitive and reasoning skills
-decision-making skills
-practicing what to do in peer-pressure situations
-lots of fun!

I see that there is also Christmas Crossroads, and Crossroads in Galilee too!!

Update: I just finished reading Crossroads in Jerusalem, courtesy of @NetGalley. Wow.

As with the last one, this Crossroads adventure does a great job of putting the reader IN the story, making the decisions. Will you follow Jesus? Be greedy? Choose safety over what’s right?

I’m so happy for this faith-based choose-your-own-adventure series. The section in the back with all of the scripture references, definitions, and “who was” “what about” sections is great! That information is presented in a way that really helps you connect the verses, adventures, truth and practicality all together.

I enjoyed being the servant girl, but the two boys’ stories were amazing. The lawyer’s assistant, in particular, brought new insight for me on the Pharisees. There were important details tucked casually into the story, which will make them stick better when studied.

Imagine… Yourself On the Scene

Imagine… The Fall of Jericho: this is a very interesting series. Modern kids get dropped right in the middle of epic Bible stories. I was intrigued by this, I’ve always enjoyed the “Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” style Time Travel stories. To do that with the Bible, and for kids, makes it even better!

Imagine… The Fall of Jericho did not disappoint. I felt Jake’s loneliness as he gets dropped off at camp without knowing anyone. When he finds himself in Jericho, he Trusts God did it for a reason, giving him the courage to stand up for what is right.

Jake’s interactions with the people he meets could be a stretch at times, but fun and action-packed all the same.

Imagine… If we could harness that courageous attitude in our daily life. Knowing that God put us here for a reason, and acting like we believed?

This was great for upper elementary school students and middle schoolers. It looks like there are several others in the series, too.

Naaman’s Servant Girl

I recently read this incredible story about the servant girl who told Naaman to go see the prophet and be healed from leprosy. Moriah’s Wings does not sugarcoat anything, but is still kid-friendly. It’s very real, and engaging. You can read my full review of Naaman’s Servant here.

Middle-Grade Books for Bible Study

I so want to grab my colored pencils and have at it. And I probably will!

Diary of a Disciple

These two are basically the text of Luke and Acts, but with dynamic text and conversational interjections (See photo above). Think The Message or The Amplified Bible but with the sarcastic bent of middle school humor. Not recommended for the easily offended, or extremely conservative, but it would engage most ordinary 10-15-year-olds. I think it would make an awesome opportunity to get them comparing it to a standard translation, after reading it through the first time!

Royal: Life Lessons from the Book of Esther

My friend Ami just published her Esther Bible study, specifically for middle school girls, and wow! She doesn’t gloss over the awful parts, and she challenges her readers to examine their own lives in light of the lessons learned. She covers some Deep stuff, but in a way that brand-new believers or tweens who are ready for just a bit more depth can understand, without making it light and fluffy. Not an easy balancing act!

Game Plan for Life

A Kids Game Plan for Great Choices by Michael and Christopher Ross is a 40-day Devotional for teen athletes. Using famous athletes’ stories, as well as his own (and friends’) experiences, this teen writes an inspiring and actionable Devo. The section on relating to friends actually got me thinking of ways to apply those principles in my marriage, and in grown-up friendships as well.

If you have a teen who loves sports, this devotional is fun and applicable, as a family Devotional or on their own.

Nancy Rue Books

Nancy Rue has a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction for Christian Girlz who need a bit of help with the whole thing. From a Christian Girl’s Guide to Growing Up and The Beauty Book, to books for Moms of Tween girls. She writes some of the best Christian books for 10-12 year olds (and beyond) I’ve ever read, seeming to understand what they need to hear and how they’re likely to hear it best.

The Best Classic Middle Grade Books: Historical Fiction

If you are struggling with making history come alive and be fun, here are some of the best middle grade books of all time (pun intended). And many of them are available on audio!!

Anne of Green Gables

Yes, I have to start with Anne Shirley. It’s classic! Since it was originally printed in a Sunday school quarterly, it’s packed with good lessons. But beyond that, it’s very relatable, funny and encouraging without preaching at all.

~Turn of the last century, Canada.
~Character issues galore

Christian Heritage series by Nancy Rue

Sometimes we think that we’re the only one who has it rough or are misunderstood. Or, on top of that as kids, that our parents are too strict. Looking into the past may just be the best way to get a new perspective!

These are really classic, some of the best I’ve ever read. With a historical setting in early America, 5-6 books in each time period, where you almost feel like you are there. The cultural issues have value still today, and the stories are well-written and dramatic.

There are the Salem years, which is a very Puritan, rigid time. A lot of fun and very interesting, while keeping true to the history of the time.

Then there are the Charleston years, which centers around slavery from a kid’s perspective, and the American Revolution. The Williamsburg Years also cover the Revolutionary War. I have not gotten to read these myself, but I think they look amazing!

There’s also The Chicago Years, the 1920s in all their glory, and the Santa Fe years, WWII, Japanese American relocation camps, and much more.

Most of them also have Teaching Guides, if anyone wants help going deeper into history and morals/ values, Language Arts, etc.

Kidnapped in Key West: A Florida Historical Adventure:

Flagler’s first train over all those bridges, a man arrested for stealing the payroll, and his determined son, who knows that pa didn’t do it. Proving that will put him in tons of danger, but he’s willing to do anything to save his pa, and the railroad!! Will he survive being Kidnapped in Key West?

Doctor Dolittle —The Series

You may or may not be familiar with the recent Dr. Dolittle movies, and you may or may not approve of them. Well, you will love the actual books! These classic stories are so much fun. They are old, but oh, so good!! The Doctor travels the world and meets all kinds of interesting animals (and people).

He teaches himself their languages, learns from them, heals them, and intervenes on their behalf. In one of the ones that I just re-read, The Doctor is learning a deep-sea creature’s language, and it ‘reminds him of ancient Hebrew’. Now this series isn’t blatantly faith-based, but I firmly believe that if animals do have learnable languages, ancient Hebrew is a logical choice :)!

Simple and honest and kind, but packed with amazing adventures like meeting a Pushme-Pullyou (an animal like a horse with a head -and personality- on each end), to riding in a giant Glass sea snail… you can’t go wrong with Dr. John Dolittle around.

Mandie by Lois Gladys Leppard:

Okay, decades later, I still remember the emotions and the plot of most of these books. I believe I have 30+ still packed up in a box. This is one orphan who doesn’t let anything hold her back. Not grief, or hardship, sometimes not even logic and rules. But Uncle Ned is usually around to protect her, challenge her to do right, and rescue her when needed. The beginning of the 1900s is an amazing time period, and with Mandie, there’s always a mystery to solve. Whether it’s at her boarding school, or as she and her friends travel abroad with Grandmother.

Marguerite Henry’s Amazing Horse Stories

Misty of Chincoteague speaks to freedom, and kindness, and determination among other things. As a horse-crazy girl growing up, I couldn’t get enough of these. Paul and Maureen make good role models, both in their strengths and their failures. The fact that we get to follow several generations of this horse family (Misty, Stormy, Star…) makes it that much sweeter. And the history of the Chincoteague / Assateague islands themselves is so cool! Here’s a Complete Collection too! I think these will always be popular!

The American Adventure Series

The American Adventure series is a series of 40+ books, with kids from the Mayflower to World War II. Putting them center stage in many great moments of American history. My mom got a subscription for this series when we were homeschooling, and we got 2 stories every month for nearly 2 years. of course, every time the box came, we devoured every page. They are short but memorable. And definitely make history come alive!

Teaching Middle-Grade Girls about their Bodies

If you’re a parent to a precious 8-12 year old girl, you may be scrambling and nervous about teaching them what’s coming (or came unexpectedly). Basics of how their bodies work, what on earth that monthly thing is, how to be healthy, etc. I just discovered Fit2B has a course especially for you to go through together. It does so without getting into details they’re not ready for, and makes the whole thing more manageable.

Contemporary Christian Fiction Books for 10-12-Year-Olds

If you’re looking for something a little more “Today” then these are all set more currently, with some modern gadgets and experiences. Christian books for middle school that are fun and faith-filled:

Camp Club Girls

If you grew up with the Saddle Club, or Babysitters Club (both of these original series I still recommend for middle and high school girls), then the Camp Club Girls are the next level- Christian books for tweens!

These girls solve mysteries and have adventures, but they also rely on God, and learn some amazing lessons along the way! They get into some tough jams, make dumb mistakes, even getting kidnapped a time or two, but they have a great track record for solving cases and learning lessons that we all need. Even me, now.

They come in sets, 4 stories from one of the girls’ points of view and, each story takes about an hour to read. Definitely a favorite series.


With Elizabeth, there are horses, and music and danger, and she develops responsibility, compassion, creativity, and more. I loved how appropriate scripture verses and principles were presented in the normal course of events, and felt natural, not preachy. The normal interaction with friends and family makes it both fun and encouraging.


Bailey’s the youngest Camp Club Girl. She is fearless and full of dreams. I love her spunk and curiosity. Her faith grows, and her desire to become famous is something! She’s determined and courageous. Bailey is the most likely to minimize and underestimate the danger and just take one more step. Usually solving the case, but not before getting them into some kind of hot water. In the Bailey collection, these girls get to learn practical lessons about both sheep and pottery, as well as making the spiritual connections and application of the scriptures on those subjects.


Kate is someone I could relate to, and that’s both good and bad. (which is really awesome writing!) I could see my own insecurity, busyness, and preoccupation in Kate. I end up feeling encouraged to do better and trust God more. Exactly the message that women of all ages need, especially young teens who are still forming who they are!

The mysteries are fun, as usual. Believable, learning how to be observant and not pre-judge people. My favorite was the Montana story where they go to archeology camp. Being careful how we fossilize our hearts, and making assumptions being a bad idea!

Dragons in our Midst by Bryan Davis:

This series could be controversial because of the Dragons and all, but it’s absolutely Fantastic and Faith-filled. For upper middle school and high school students, and anyone who hasn’t fully ‘grown up’ these books are exactly what we need. There’s the battle of good vs evil. There’s deception, and truth, and chivalry. Sword fighting, honor, and a boy who can breathe fire. A girl who can fly, and trust God more than most of us actually ever attempt. Here’s a full review of this and a couple of other wonderful stories about faithful dragons. As much as I love this series, I would save these for 13-year-olds, girls or boys, and older.

The Seven Sleepers by Gilbert Morris:

This one’s a Post-Apocolypse fiction specifically for middle/high schoolers. 10 books, 10 unforgettable adventures. 7 kids tucked into cryo-tubes just before the Apocolypse, then awakened to a world transformed. Their mission, beyond just survival, is to share the gospel in a world that’s forgotten, or forbidden, the truth. It’s hard, and dangerous, and wonderful. Scary moments followed by the wonder of actually flying on the back of an eagle! Definitely good Christian books for 10-12 year olds.

Adventures in Odyssey:

Whether you’re talking about audio adventures (perfect for car rides or quiet times) or the actual books, you can’t go wrong with Adventures in Odyssey. These kids are very real, and relatable. Mr. Whitakker has a way of helping them (and us) see what we should do, and have the courage to do it.

Maybe it’s a trip in the Imagination station to sometime in the past, (biblical or historically significant moments). Possibly it’s a mystery or an actual event in ‘real-time’ that the kids have to work out the right thing to do. Doesn’t matter. It’s always fun. Always encouraging. sometimes scary and hard and well, just like real life!! These are some of the most fun books for 4th graders up to say, 8th grade, though all ages usually enjoy AiO!

Journey to Twilight

This series is less well-known, but powerful in its own right. The cost of friendship is real, and remarkably well shown. There’s a lot to get both kids and parents thinking. A fantasy adventure that pushes into some hard, real-life topics, this is best read together, even for middle graders. Because being able to talk about situations brought up in the story can be very helpful! I like this series of Christian books for 10-12 year olds.

The Cooper Kids by Frank Peretti:

The Cooper Kids get to travel with their archaeologist dad, all over the world. There are mysteries to solve, truths to unravel, danger and faith. I’ve seen it described as an “Indiana-Jones style Christian fiction for all ages” and I agree. The thrills and chills aren’t overdone, and they definitely encourage moral choices. I recently completed my collection, and I look forward to starting them with my son in a couple of years.

The River of Time series found here follows the 15-17 year old daughters of another archeologist, only these girls end up traveling through time!

Spiritual Warfare Stories That Make Good Middle School Books

Yes this is a somewhat scary topic, and yes, kids need to learn about it in a healthy way, before they’re confronted ‘in the real world. I think that was part of C.S. Lewis’s goal with Narnia, in a small way. One way we can help, besides talking about what we see happening, and studying scriptures together, is through stories. Here are my picks for books that deal with spiritual warfare.

The Prince Warriors by Priscilla Shirer

Now this is an impressive adventure. following the pattern of Narnia, kids are taken from this world by magic, to learn to know God, and use their faith better here. At 30+, I couldn’t put my copy down, and almost wished it were me. There are both boys and girls, and they all have a lot to contribute. Unity and teamwork are clearly taught, and while failure is a part of the story, so are forgiveness and second chances.

Millie Maven Series by Ted Dekker and Rachelle Dekker

This series is geared for 12 year olds, and is much better suited for upper middle grade reading, and for those kids, I highly recommend it. The allegory of Christ’s sacrifice, and teamwork/unity are well done.

The ‘real world’ section of the story can be quite traumatic, as the girl’s ‘mother’ is emotionally abusive and manipulative.

The FarPointe Institute for Gifted Students (FIGS) storyline brings to mind Harry Potter a few times, but only in structure. These kids have to learn how to overcome all kinds of difficulties, betrayal, EGRs (People who should come with labels “Extra Grace Required”), etc. The adventure and danger and budding friendships are captivating (even to grownups) and challenging. I would definitely recommend this series to kids who are at least 11 years old.

**Spoiler** Both threads get healthy resolution before the end of the trilogy.

Ryann Watters

Another Florida-based story, where kids get magical transport to another world. I picked these up recently, and haven’t had a chance to read them yet, but I’m very excited about them just the same.

Popular Middle Grade Books To Enjoy in 6th, 7th, 8th Grade and Beyond

These are not all expressly Christian but are incredible just the same.

The Redwall series by Brian Jacques is Epic

Woodland animals in a struggle against evil, controlling, greedy creatures. Each story stands alone, but reading Redwall first will really set the stage. There are lessons on courage and kindness, hardship and loss. Sacrifice for others, and selfishness.

Mr. Poppers Penguins:

I haven’t seen the new movie by the same title, so I have no idea how they compare. The story of Mr. Popper’s Penguins is a classic, and it grows rapidly. Starting with a simple fan letter to Admiral Drake, Mr. Popper gets a pet penguin delivered to his house. soon he has 12. Keeping them cool and fed isn’t easy, in fact, it’s downright hilarious!! This one’s great for all ages!

Beverly Cleary has some of the best middle-grade series ever!

First, the everyday lives of Ramona Quimby, an independent and imaginative girl, and Henry Huggins whose creative methods often lead to trouble. These two are neighbors, who each get their own series.

Then, The Mouse and the Motorcycle series was made into movies! I’m re-discovering these on Audible with my 1st grader, who enjoys the stories, but won’t be ready to read them himself for a few years yet!

Encyclopedia Brown is the best boy detective ever!!

I’m not kidding. Encyclopedia Brown is really smart -and observant, and everyone from the school kids to the local police wants his help (just don’t let the fact that his dad’s the detective fool you!). He notices things most people overlook, and would likely beat me playing one of my favorite Bookish games (Mindtrap)! And his best friend Sally is equally capable of solving the mysteries. They make a great team!

The Boxcar Children

The Boxcar Children are a family of 4 brothers and sisters who are orphans. They end up living with their Grandfather and experience more mysteries than any other family I know. With the age range of the kids, this series makes an amazing family Read Aloud. And though the movie doesn’t do it justice, it’s still a good movie!

This post is already so long, I don’t have room for all of my favorites! For instance:

Do You Have Recommendations??

I’m very curious, what I’m missing. Comment below and let me know! And if you need more awesome recommendations, try these 2 sites:

Read Aloud Revival is an awesome place to find book recommendations for the whole family to enjoy!
Books for Christian Girls has reviews and ratings on so many books, sorted both by genre and age group, and this young lady has done an incredible job! (I love following her on Instagram!!)

Until Next Time, Love God, Love Books, Shine The Light!!


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