1 Important but Challenging Topic


Have you ever wondered about those verses on pruning in the Bible? I have. I’ve heard messages explaining it, trying to help us understand. What does prune mean in the Bible? They make me curious. Because I have not spent any time in a vineyard, the little I know is only through reading about it.   According to several dictionaries, the answer is to:

  • cut away,
  • shape,
  • smooth,
  • trim,
  • to cleanse or purify

Sounds painful. I mean who really wants to be cut and trimmed? But the benefits sound very good! Shaping and smoothing, cleansing and purification are all good things!  

It seems that pruning is necessary for the sanctification process. To help us with spiritual growth and to produce good fruit.

Please note that this post contains affiliate links for your convenience. If you make a purchase through one of the links, I may make a small commission. I only recommend books and resources that I’ve enjoyed personally, or believe that you would like. You can read my full disclosure here. You will also find information on Scripture translations there.

Vineyard at sunset

What the Bible Says about the Pruning Process

Here are a few of the important places I see the principles of Pruning at work in the Bible. (my untrained observations)

  1. The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11). God cut up the languages and trimmed man’s pride and arrogance back, encouraging the shape of a diverse people that filled the earth, instead of bunching up in one spot.
  2. Moses had a couple of pruning sessions. At the Burning Bush (Exodus 3) his fears got addressed, and later, when he started taking credit (Numbers 20), his presumption earned him another round.
  3. King Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4). He was warned, but continued in arrogance and pride, and temporarily lost his mind and his kingdom. The day he acknowledged God, he was restored.
  4. Saul of Tarsus had to be pruned to become the Paul who spread the Gospel across great distances and wrote so many helpful letters.
  5. Hezekiah, David, Jonah…

Just looking at these few examples is enough to make me fear God, and trust Him more. He does not leave them in the pain of a season of pruning indefinitely, though. He is there, and when He pulls them (and us) through to the other side, the harvest can be so fruitful!

The pruning process helps us grow spiritually if we let it. When the Gardener goes after dead limbs, he prunes the branches of bad habits, wrong priorities and otherwise out-of-balance lives, then he can help us grow, to produce even better fruit in our lives.

Examples of Spiritual Pruning

I don’t know about you, but I can sure use some reduced weight on heavy limbs!

  1. Over-extended schedules (little margin)
  2. My own expectations
  3. Other people’s expectations…

I carry diseased memories of hurts and offenses, and I could definitely benefit from increasing my structural integrity!   Pointing out the purpose of bearing fruit is that it benefits others, well, that should be obvious, but in many circles that idea is shocking!  

We aren’t supposed to be learning and growing to reach some imaginary mark of spiritual maturity for ourselves, or to earn favor with God.   God’s pruning is all about health, growth, and having a harvest worth sharing!

Faith, hope and Love, but the greatest of these is Love. We are to love one another, so all of our learning, growing, pruning, etc should be used to love and benefit each other. God’s methods do just that, and so it shouldn’t scare us the way it does sometimes.

What the Bible Says: John 15:1-8 NIV

 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

Books and Bible Studies That Help Prune Us

Harvest of Rubies (Biblical Fiction)

Tessa Afshar has a great explanation in Harvest of Rubies. If you love historical fiction, you should read this book. You’ll be surprised how much you can learn through fiction. An old groundskeeper teaches a couple of practical lessons that easily teach the benefits and examples of God’s pruning process. This one is well worth reading!!! 

Chasing Vines (Nonfiction)

I’m about halfway through Beth Moore’s Chasing Vines and it’s fascinating. Her research on vines, both the natural science and in the Bible, and the connection between the two (and us by extension), is very telling. There’s some hard truths in there, that I don’t necessarily like, but I am coming to appreciate them. Vines, when they have truly good soil and growing conditions will have lots of leaves and be pretty.

But when conditions are challenging, rocky soil, etc, that’s when they bear fruit. Because they think they’re dying, and need to produce fruit for future generations of vines. They begin thinking of others when times get tough.

I don’t like rocky soil (life challenges), but it sure streamlines my priority list! How about you?

Jesus, Before I Go (Bible Study)

A great option is Sarah Koontz’ free study, Before I Go. Sarah teaches on Jesus’ final instructions to us before his crucifixion.

Check out this quote from the study:  

Pruning cleans away dead, dying, and diseased material. Pruning removes unnecessary branches, reducing weight on heavy limbs. And Pruning reduces the size of the plant, to help maintain its structural integrity.  

He does this to maximize our fruit production. Branches produce fruit to nourish others, not to satisfy themselves. The more fruit we are able to produce, the more people we can bless with our spiritual bounty.

Unforgettable Pruning Bible Study

If you take a look through the daily titles, you can easily see the benefits of pruning Bible study has in general, and especially this one: 

  Any Bible study that can work in the movie Miss Congeniality, then turn around and give you the Greek meaning of words used in a particular verse (2 different original words translated into English as 1 word) helping you understand the verse better, is going to be unforgettable!   The daily Action Point and Discussion Question will not always be easy, but are designed to make these truths stick.  If we can learn to abide as branches and obey as friends, we will find the strength to stand firm in Christ no matter what comes.  

Other Bible Studies You May Like


  • Understand Who Jesus Christ Is
  • Receive the Free Gift of Salvation
  • Invite others to Accept Jesus’ Invitation
  • Study and Apply God’s Word to your Life
  • Pray With Absolute Confidence

When we get to know who Jesus Christ really is—understand why He came to earth and humbled himself to the point of death upon the cross—we are completely transformed.

As you go through this three-week study, you will notice every day is titled with an action verb. They are actions you can do right now! And every single one of them is a reaction to what Jesus Christ has done for you.

Jesus, Before I Go is available ‘on demand’ as a free email bible study. 

Let’s Bear More Fruit!!

When difficult times come, and trials of various kinds, let’s learn from what the Bible says and not lose hope. Difficult seasons aren’t fun. And a gardening metaphor seems woefully inadequate right now in the middle of the mess. But take heart and don’t turn away. Walk with God as the dead branches fall away.

An improved relationship with God, true spiritual vitality, which is something that actually matters for eternity, is just ahead. God knows exactly what we need, and he wants us to succeed. In fact, He’s the one who even gives us the desire to work towards him, and the power to do it (Phil 2:13)!

Until Next Time, Love God, Love Books, Shine The Light!!


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